My Teacher's "My Experience"

Many people ask me, sir ... who's your teacher .... until you can really SEO, until you can not have SEO Firm SEO Firm defeat the same in America and other foreign countries. Who's behind you? The question often convey a lot of people when I'm coffee, ngeteh or more seminars. Sampe someone asks "How Monthly Income You? No screenshot can be? "Waduh .... My answer that question. My reply will answer honestly not even the quality ... hehehehe ... at about showing off;)

Indeed, I till now still continue to learn SEO and continue to learn about what is SEO or Search Engine Optimization by changing the implementation. Currently I just take care research at my headquarters. Business activity was not much I handle again, because I already have a business development team led by a powerful father, Bambang (ex seasoned hospitality professionals in Bali, Switzerland and Indonesia), which is able to capture and implement vision and my mission.

Who's My Teacher?
Do not laugh yah ....;) I learned SEO since 1998, since college. I learned SEO also not have a computer, the computer I can afford myself the year 2000 (due to have new money). Like the story my story before, I did start it all from knee capital. there is no money guys! ...

At that time internet marketing guru has not been scattered in Indonesia (8 years ago) like today. My friends were pelitnya half modar for this science business. Mo follow-up online learning is also not a farthing. How do I learn?

In the view of Islam (I peeled from the bottom of my beliefs as a Muslim), there is no phenomenon that occurs in this world without a cause. In other words, whatever happens in this world there is no possible cause and just happen by chance.

This is a guide and follow my career. Ayat Quran asserts that God is the cause of everything that happens in the universe. For example, a physician who successfully treated a patient after trying hard, or vice versa, he failed even though it was working hard, then the main cause of both conditions is the will of Allah. When Allah Ta'ala bestow taufik to the doctor's success, no one can prevent these taufik, so the doctor's patients will be cured. And vice versa, if God decided that the patient must meet his death, although the doctor had been working hard, the effort would still fail.

Put more simply, Allah Ta'ala will not menerlantarkan people in this world. All things concerned with human beings did not just happen without any calculation or coincidental. In the verses of the Qur'an is also often noted that people had not created a useless or futile. Islamic states, the failure could not have happened without a reason. The Qur'an states, "There is no success and the good that comes to you but it is the grace of God, which is dedicated to you, and there is absolutely no failures or bad but it happened because you caused it yourself."

Therefore, very precise on this occasion we must first define success and failure. What exactly is meant by success or success? In the Islamic view, success is something that is consistent with human nature and something that assessed both by the conscience of humanity. In contrast, the mean failure is something that is considered bad by conscience or human instinct.

My teachers who hold true? of my career above ground, pengelaman is my best teacher. I was never afraid to try. Experiment after experiment for Google and yahoo I have done. There are ngarahin gak .... because there was not the best teacher in this country. They are not the owners of Google's (god willing, next year I will meet with Larry Page). Only the courage you to try is the best teacher, do not be afraid of, do not be afraid of the Bann, do not be afraid to hit the sandbox.

I never studied as Matt Cutts, Brad Callen, Fabianlim. During my opening statement this way of thinking Google and Yahoo! only in that have been mentioned in the Quran. For business applications, it's easy. Origin understand html and a little programasi, well dah ... the hard part is knowing Google and Yahoo thinking. Want to know where is it? contact me ... I love to know you.


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